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We Manufacture Thunderbird and Galaxie Sheet Metal Parts


If you need the parts why wait and pay full price. We are offering a 30% discount on all the parts we manufacture. This discount will end on February 8th

We manufacture all of our own parts, but can now offer many parts from other USA manufacturers. All our part numbers begin with a number. Please call or fill out our feedback form

 We have been in business for 44 years and have always tried to make the best quality parts at the best prices.

We are open Monday thru Friday from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm. and our website can help you 24/7. 

800-776-4040 or 704-596-5186

Now Available! 1964 Galaxie Lower rear quarter repair panel Left and Right sides. View below.


Contact Our Client Specialist

(800) 776-4040

1963 Galaxies

4010 Hartley St. Suite A
Charlotte, NC 28206

1963 Galaxie

Click Here to go directly to our 1963 Galaxie Store.

Click on an item below to see your savings!


Galaxie 1963

1963 Galaxie  Sheet Metal

Buy Direct From The Manufacturer !

Classic Sheet Metal has been the manufacturer of quality Thunderbird sheet metal repair panels for  over 36 years.

Welcome to our 1963 Galaxie store. The shopping area on the left is all of the of  our 1963 Galaxie parts that we manufacture. Plus we have some quarter sections which are made by another USA manufacturer. 

If you click the add to cart button it will be added to your cart and you will also see any related items such as the opposite sides and parts that connect to them.

We have taken special care to make this experience as enjoyable as possible.

We also have sheet metal parts for 1955-57 Thunderbirds, 1958-60 Thunderbird, 1961-3 Thunderbirds, 1964-66 Thunderbirds and 1967-71 Thunderbirds. 

We will be adding information to help you install the parts too!
All the parts we carry are made only in the USA. 




We welcome your feedback! Feel free to fill out the form below to share your experience!

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(800) 776-4040 / Classic Sheet Metal / 4010A Hartley St. / Charlotte, North Carolina 28206

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